Flash–our guiding light and Chief Motivation Officer (CMO)

Enter FLASH: the WAVELABS superhero who is here to save the day—and the planet. He inspires our employees and drives our innovation. With FLASH behind us, we can implement the Paris Accord together and limit global warming.

Flash for future

Global warming and oceans are on the rise. We face challenges of a dimension the human race has never seen before. These threats are invisible, faceless, and from the future. How to best combat them? With Flash–a superhero from the future, of course!

Watch the video

Think Flash is just a work of fiction? Not true. He’s been sighted, fighting for the climate, together with the other Solar Superheroes Apollon, Inspector VI, Laminator and Silver Maze at SNEC PV POWER EXPO 2016!
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Episode I – III

The Solar Superheroes comic series from pv magazine truly mark the unveiling of a complete new way to communicate and inspire solar professionals. Want to see/read more of Flash and his friends? Check out the Solar Superheros comic series I – III.

Tailor-made solutions

Being from the future, Flash has a hand in all our tailor-made solutions. LED’s create a tailored solution that perfectly matches your industry, application, and requirements. Cutting edge technology that is also reliable is a feature of our tailor-made solutions. Just ask Flash!

Get in touch

with us today to explore developing a custom LED solution with WAVELABS. There will always be an organization that is first to take the next big leap.
LED’s make it yours.