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Catch up on FLUXiM’s webinar on the latest advancements and methodologies for analyzing solar cell stability (visit their webinar landing page). This expert session explored critical challenges and solutions for organic and perovskite solar cells, with valuable insights for researchers and manufacturers alike.

Featured Talks:

“LEDs COPY THE SUN: LED Solar Simulators for Advanced Analysis and Smart Fabs”
Presented by Dr. Torsten Brammer, Co-Founder of WAVELABS
Dr. Brammer introduced WAVELABS’ SINUS-360 ADVANCED LED solar simulator for precise solar cell testing and smart manufacturing innovations.

Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells: Literature Overview, Best Practices, and Tools Required for the Analyses”
Presented by Dr. Antonio Cabas Vidani, Product Manager at FLUXiM
Dr. Cabas Vidani provided a comprehensive overview of perovskite solar cell stability, discussing the latest research, best practices, and essential analytical tools.

Special Thanks
We extend our thanks to Dr. Daniele Braga, Head of Sales and Marketing at FLUXiM, for skillfully hosting this session. Dr. Braga’s guidance facilitated a rich and accessible talk in the complex field of solar cell research.

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