The success of WAVELABS has always depended upon our team of specialists. Collaboration is key to the way we work. That’s the reason why we organized an internal “LED’s learn together” event at our headquarter on the grounds of Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei.
Every project team got the chance to present what they had been working on and to explain current and upcoming updates on our products. Employees from all departments were invited to come and ask their questions. That’s the way we ensure, everyone in the company is on the same page and knows exactly what we are doing at WAVELABS. Luckily enough we produce nice and shiny LED sun simulators, that we could explore from every angle, so we did avoid “death by PowerPoint” in the sessions 😉 The picture shows one part of the next generation SINUS-2100, which was presented to the team. It is the only solar simulator on the planet that can flash PV modules with class A+++ spectrum or multiple spectra—for as long as required.
For a technical deep dive our technology team had also collaborated for two days on different topics like organizational and product development. This had also been part of our “LED’s learn together” event and it marks our next steps in the future of LED sun simulators.