Modern manufacturing of advanced PERC, TOPCon or HJT silicon solar cells can maintain high excess minority carrier lifetimes into finished device. Such cells are inherently slower to respond to transients in terminal voltages, making steady-state current-voltage sweeps incompatible with today’s industrial throughput requirements.

Bernhard Klöter discusses the use of the RapidWAVE® method implemented in WAVELABS SINUS-300 LED solar simulators to address the requirements for throughput without sacrificing accuracy, repeatability, and reproducibility of the reported performance and sorting parameter. The World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC-8) is the world’s biggest platform for PV research and development.It combines the three largest and most prominent international PV conferences: the European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference (EU PVSEC), the Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (IEEE PVSC) and the International PV Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC).

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