Something you’d like to ask WAVELABS?
We’ve got answers to the most common questions right here. Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Just contact us and we’ll get back to you in a flash.
When you place an order with WAVELABS, we send you an order confirmation email that includes the expected delivery date and a tracking number. Please contact our Supply Chain Management (SCM) team at scm@wavelabs.de if you require any additional information.
If you experience any problems with a WAVELABS device, please do not hesitate to contact us at service@wavelabs.de.
Our sales team is staffed by a passionate group of engineers and professionals. Just call us at +49 341 4924 4830 or send an email to sales@wavelabs.de, and we’ll make sure you receive a prompt quotation.
We have several service partners located around the globe to ensure customers receive timely assistance when they require service or installation.
The WAVELABS production facility is located at our headquarters in Leipzig, Germany. This is where all our devices are manufactured.
WAVELABS can ship equipment to most countries around the world. Email us at sales@wavelabs.de or call +49 341 4924 4830 to request a quotation.
Patented WAVELABS LED technology offers many fundamental advantages over conventional xenon lamps. A more stable and flexible spectrum coupled with significantly longer service life are just some of the reasons WAVELABS uses LEDs exclusively in its simulators and light soakers. For more information, get in touch with a member of our team! Our product pages are also a good resource for learning more about the capabilities of our LED systems.
This depends on which model and the number of units ordered. Please get in touch with us at sales@wavelabs.de, and we will do our best to meet your needs no matter how tight the timeline.
WAVELABS produces highly specialized devices. The great thing about LEDs is that they can be adapted to suit practically any application.Our portfolio contains both extremely high- performance solutions and very cost-effective devices, all with our signature quality and reliability. Our sales team will ensure your WAVELABS equipment delivers exactly the results you require. Just call us at +49 341 4924 4830 or send an email to sales@wavelabs.de, and weʼll guide you to the option that suits both your requirements and budget.

Any questions left?
Get in touch with a WAVELABS expert today to find out how we can help your research results or manufacturing processes shine brighter.