Gain production insights and find the sweet spot of parameter settings

WAVELABS Flashboard is the first intelligent, automated big data solution for solar cell production. It enables manufacturers to pinpoint root causes for cell efficiency losses and calculate optimum parameter settings to increase efficiency and reduce variances.


Gain production insights and find the sweet spot of parameter settings

WAVELABS Flashboard is the first intelligent, automated big data solution for solar cell production.
It enables manufacturers to pinpoint root causes for cell efficiency losses and calculate optimum parameter settings to increase efficiency and reduce variances.


Optimize your cell production

The machine-learning-based solution enables rapid and advanced analysis of thousands of data points from across the production line. It is the key to gaining new insights into your production and optimizing processes.

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Manufacturers generally have sufficient data at their disposal. Analyzing this data from various stages of the production process will enable them to identify patterns and trends that can indicate potential problems or areas for improvement.

The conversion efficiency of a typical solar cell production day featuring outliers at specific times and an overall changing mean value. The challenge is to understand what triggered those changes.

WAVELABS Flashboard is a software solution that gives manufacturers the upper hand over their cluttered and overwhelming production data points.

It supports the import of any production and parameter data in standard .csv and SQL making it fit for every production line.

It can also be used on mobile devices.

WAVELABS Flashboard uses a refined hierarchical 3-step analysis to separate the wheat from the chaff in production big data.

This enables manufacturers of solar cells to:

  • pinpoint root causes

  • analyze production conditions and settings

  • calculate real parameter variance during production

  • match production parameters to cell technology

  • calculate optimum parameters for the best efficiency outcomes of your cell production

For more information download our product application note.

WAVELABS SINUS-2100 close-up

Get in touch

with a WAVELABS expert today to find out how we can help your research results or manufacturing processes shine brighter.

Download a copy of the Flashboard product application note for your reference